Tuesday, April 8, 2008



  • What do these men have in common?

  • These men have in common the fact that even though they do not want to fight, they feel that as a newly American man, they need to stand up for there belief's. They do not want to see people die, but if it is for a change and if it is for the good of the new nation they will.

  • Can you see how because these men gave so much, we benefit?
  • Basically these men sacrificed there lives, there families lives, in order for there to be a brighter tomorrow for the future generations meaning us. What if they did not take that stand and fight for freedom? Who knows what our lives would be like if we were still controlled by Britain. The economy is bad now and think about paything double taxes, it seems IMPOSSIBLE!! The bravery these men showed and the courage that they displayed is something that we all should appreciate!
  • Can you make any connection/extension to today's political figures? How so?

  • The new political canidates strive to let the American people know that they want change. Barack Obama and Hilary say that are going to take the stand and fight for better healthcare, for no same sex marriage, for a better economy. But in order to achieve one of these objections, we have to vote. We have to vote for our right to a better life.

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